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Problem and Solution - Business Concept.

Bridging the Receivable Collection Gap


Receivables to Cash in as Little as 3 Days !



Waiting to be paid?



MediaMark is a specialty finance company that provides receivables liquidity to the Out-of-Home media industry. With hands-on industry experience in all facets of media, the team at MediaMark has the experience to act quickly, deliver significant capital, and do so on fair terms. We seek clients, not transactions, allowing the pathway for long term value creation for both our firm and our customers.


MediaMark serves all outdoor advertising companies in the Out-of-Home industry including, but not limited to, billboard owner and operators, place-based digital signage suppliers to airports, shopping malls, transit facilities, bus shelters, and stadiums, etc.   We also work with specialty operators of wrapped vehicles, taxi tops, and mobile billboard vehicles.


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